Management Center

Project information

  • Category: Web Application
  • Client: Personal Project

Management Center was a platform I started developing for myself and my team members who work with me on freelance projects.

This platform's main objective was to have a calendar for the entire team to consult and a system for registering, editing and creating contracts.

To complete the basic objectives, it would also be necessary to create pages to register customers, employees, projects, etc...

The contract creation system was able to generate a PDF from previously created customer data. The contract would also be associated with a project and a project manager. After the contract was generated, a unique serial number for that contract was also generated to ensure it was never lost.

The project ended up being abandoned as I decided it was simpler for the entire team to create a bot to integrate into Discord and thus manage all clients from the Discord server we have together.

Technical Information

On certain pages, the header shows the positions that have access to that page. These roles are only visible to application administrators.

In the center of the footer, a warning appears if there are upcoming calendar events.

To edit table content, you must click on the switch button that activates editing mode. This button is only available to administrators, other positions can only consult (if they have permission to see the page)

Platform authentication is handled entirely by Firestore. The user credentials that are used to log in are the same access points that allow you to communicate with the database.

  • Development Environment
  • ReactJS
  • Typescript
  • React Router 6
  • AntDesign
  • Firebase